
AWS has completed ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange (formerly CyberGRX) assessment which has been independently validated by ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange partners. Customers can leverage AWS’ ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange report to reduce their supplier due-diligence burden. ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange assessments apply a dynamic and comprehensive approach to third party risk assessment, replacing outdated static spreadsheets as well as the need to repetitively request access to AWS’ assessment each year. ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange assessment provide advanced capabilities by integrating AWS’ responses with analytics, threat intelligence, and sophisticated risk models, based on known breach kill chains, to provide an in-depth view of AWS’s security posture.

Customers can use Risk Navigator feature which will allow them to map AWS’ assessment to commonly used industry frameworks and standards to instantly gain visibility into controls coverage.

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ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange FAQs

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Please fill out the form to request access to AWS’s complimentary ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange assessment report. Once your request has been approved, you will receive an email invitation with further instructions on how to access the report

Customers will receive full access to AWS’ ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange Vendor Profile.

Customers will have access to AWS’ ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange Tier 2 Remote validated assessment. This features five control domains (Strategic, Operations, Core, Management, and Privacy), that include controls and sub-controls based on the following frameworks: FFIEC, ISO 27001, NIST 800-53, NIST 800- 171, NY-DFS, PCI DSS, SOC2.

Customers can use ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange’s Risk Navigator feature which will allow them to map AWS’ assessment to commonly used industry frameworks and standards to instantly gain visibility into controls coverage.

ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange partners perform evidence validation. ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange validated assessments feature two phases: the self-assessment phase and the validation phase. AWS provided demonstrated evidence for 50 sub controls including all strength, coverage, and timeliness assertions through a detailed assessment spanning 200+ questions. Customers can view the sub controls that were fully validated on AWS’ vendor profile page. AWS updates their validated ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange assessment annually.

AWS' ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange assessment and evidence validation are updated annually. Once the assessment is updated, all AWS customers with access to AWS ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange report will receive an email notification from the ProcessUnity Global Risk Exchange platform that AWS has updated their assessment.

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