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    Free Trial
    AWS Free Tier
    This product has charges associated with it for seller support.Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally developed by SoundCloud. It is designed to collect and store time-series data from various sources, enabling real-time monitoring, visualization, and alerting for applications and infrastructure. Prometheus has gained popularity in the DevOps community for its flexibility and powerful querying language, PromQL, which allows users to create complex queries and alerts based on the collected data.


    prometheus_2.49.1 on Ubuntu 22.04 with maintenance support by ATH.

    This is a repackaged open source software product wherein additional charges apply for support. Prometheus is a comprehensive open-source monitoring and alerting solution that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and performance of modern software systems. Initially created by SoundCloud, it has gained widespread adoption in the DevOps and software engineering communities due to its robust features and flexibility.PromQL is Prometheus' powerful query language designed specifically for time-series data. It allows users to create complex queries to retrieve and manipulate metrics. This language is instrumental in generating meaningful insights from the collected data.Prometheus' modular design and active open-source community have led to the development of various integrations, extensions, and plugins, making it a versatile choice for organizations seeking robust monitoring and alerting capabilities. Its ability to handle real-time data, query flexibility, and seamless integration with other tools have solidified its place as a go-to solution for maintaining the reliability and performance of modern software systems.


    • Prometheus is an open-source solution for monitoring and alerting, making it accessible to a wide range of organizations and individuals without licensing costs.
    • Prometheus offers a robust alerting mechanism that allows users to define and configure alerts based on metric thresholds and conditions. This proactive alerting helps in identifying and addressing issues before they escalate.
    • Prometheus exporters facilitate monitoring a wide array of services by exposing metrics in a format Prometheus can scrape. This extensibility expands its monitoring capabilities across diverse systems.


    Delivery method

    Delivery option
    64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    Latest version

    Operating system
    Ubuntu 22.04

    Typical total price

    This estimate is based on use of the seller's recommended configuration (m4.large) in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. View pricing details



    Free trial

    Try this product at no cost for 5 days according to the free trial terms set by the vendor. Usage-based pricing is in effect for usage beyond the free trial terms. Your free trial gets automatically converted to a paid subscription when the trial ends, but may be canceled any time before that.
    Pricing is based on actual usage, with charges varying according to how much you consume. Subscriptions have no end date and may be canceled any time.
    Additional AWS infrastructure costs may apply. Use the AWS Pricing Calculator  to estimate your infrastructure costs.

    Usage costs (21)

    Instance type
    Product cost/hour
    EC2 cost/hour
    AWS Free Tier
    AWS Free Tier

    Additional AWS infrastructure costs

    EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes
    $0.10/per GB/month of provisioned storage

    Vendor refund policy

    No Refund


    Vendor terms and conditions

    Upon subscribing to this product, you must acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the vendor's End User License Agreement (EULA) .

    Content disclaimer

    Vendors are responsible for their product descriptions and other product content. AWS does not warrant that vendors' product descriptions or other product content are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

    Usage information


    Delivery details

    64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    An AMI is a virtual image that provides the information required to launch an instance. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances are virtual servers on which you can run your applications and workloads, offering varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking resources. You can launch as many instances from as many different AMIs as you need.

    Version release notes

    Try one unit of this product for 5 days. There will be no software charges for that unit, but AWS infrastructure charges still apply. Free Trials will automatically convert to a paid subscription upon expiration and you will be charged for additional usage above the free units provided.

    Additional details

    Usage instructions

    Prometheus management interface port : 9090 and Http : 80 Start Prometheus service,run - "sudo systemctl start prometheus" Check Prometheus service status ,run- "sudo systemctl status prometheus.service" Access URL - http://Server_IP:9090 or http://domain_name:9090


    Vendor support

    AWS infrastructure support

    AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services.

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