AWS User Notifications FAQs

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AWS User Notifications enables users to centrally setup and view notifications from AWS services, such as AWS Health events, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, or EC2 Instance state change, in a consistent, human-friendly format. Users can view notifications across accounts, regions, and services in a Console Notifications Center, and configure delivery channels, like email, chat, and mobile push notifications, where they can receive these notifications.

AWS User Notifications provides users with a single place in the console to setup and view relevant AWS notifications across accounts, regions, and services. The Notification Center lets users filter notifications in their accounts by service, displays a detailed notification view with human-readable message and delivery state, and provides deep-links to the relevant console resource pages. AWS User Notifications lets users aggregate multiple events into a single notification for an easy top-level account view.

AWS User Notifications allows users to view and configure notifications across AWS services in a Notifications Center in the console. Notifications link to relevant service consoles to view current resource status and take action.

AWS User Notifications allows users to select any EventBridge events, like CloudWatch Alarm state change, and configure them to generate notifications. Currently, more than 100 AWS services emit events to EventBridge.

Users can set up an IAM policy that defines who (users, groups and roles) can perform which actions on AWS User Notifications resources. The policy uses resource-level permissions to determine which resources users of the IAM policy can work with. The policy also defines how they can work with them.
When creating an IAM policy, users refer to the notification-configuration, event-rules, and channel resources by their Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

To enable notifications, users can go to the ‘Notifications Center’ from the bell icon on the Console header, navigate to the ‘Notifications Configurations’ page, and create configurations to determine which events they want to be notified about, how often we should notify them (immediately, within 10 mins, or within 12 hours), and in which channels; e.g., send email to within 10 minutes whenever EC2 instance ID 123456 state changed to 'stopped'.

Configured notifications will be available to the user in the Console Notifications Center by default. In addition, as part of the notification configuration users will have the option to subscribe to email, chat, and mobile push notifications, as additional channels to receive specific notifications.

No. AWS User Notifications is offered to customers free of charge.

Yes. AWS User Notifications will allow users to get notifications across multiple accounts through Amazon Event Bridge integration. Users will need to configure EventBridge to send and receive events between AWS accounts, and specify which AWS accounts can send events to or receive events from the event bus in the user’s account. The user will then use the receiver account to generate notifications across accounts. To learn more, see Sending and receiving Amazon EventBridge events between AWS accounts.

Yes. Users can programmatically configure and fetch notification with the User Notifications SDK. The User Notifications SDK makes it easy to create notification configurations for many accounts, and automate the creation of notification configuration in new accounts; e.g., a Cloud Center of Excellence can setup AWS Health notifications for each provisioned account. Learn more.

Yes, to access full service capabilities, view up-to-date service information, or take actions, customers should visit the service consoles or directly integrate with APIs/SDKs. See respective AWS service documentation for recommendations and best practices for your individual use cases.

No. Notifications include links to the relevant service console pages in order to perform actions.

The service does not support customization features at this time.