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What we do:

• Help automate document processing and unlock valuable data

• Provide a comprehensive solution to manage large document volumes

• Deploy Amazon Textract and Comprehend for efficient data extraction

• Strategically design a pilot project to demonstrate feasibility and benefits

• Customize the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution to your specific needs

What you get:

• Automation of manual data extraction tasks

• Digital audit trail for document processing

• Streamlined workflows with documents routed to appropriate personnel

• Efficient processing of large document sets

• A standalone prototype showcasing the core functionalities of your IDP solution

• A clear MVP plan and a roadmap for further development

• Detailed reports outlining problem statements, success criteria, and potential limitations

• Overall solution scope and a roadmap for implementation

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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