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What we do:

· Provide secure, easy-to-use connections between AWS and Pega platforms

· Leverage AWS Machine Learning and other AWS services with Pega applications

· Facilitate integration between Pega's and AWS' reciprocal AI capabilities

· Allow Pega-based healthcare solutions like Pega Smart Claims and Pega Care Management to perform intelligent document processing and AI-driven interpretation of large data volumes

· Support faster and more accurate insurance claims processing through complex evidence analysis using AWS’ powerful machine learning

· Enable retailers and manufacturers to interpret changes in structured and unstructured inventory, delivery, and purchase information and to trigger corrective work automatically in a Pega workflow

What you get:

· Increased ROI by integrating AWS and Pega technology

· Improved patient outcomes and financial results through Pega healthcare solutions

· Faster, error-free service to customers in the insurance sector through more accurate processing of claims

· Adaptive responses to changes in inventory, delivery, and purchase information for retailers and manufacturers

· Enhanced security with a signing key specific to the date, service, and region, reducing susceptibility to attacks and tampering

· A component that is available for download and import into Pega with minimal configuration required

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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