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The accelerators and services in MethaneIQ include:

  • Automated methane reporting

  • Methane rate estimation

  • Computer vision for methane plume segmentation in drone videos

  • Geospatial analytics integration with Satelytics (AWS solution)

  • GenAI Assistant for Methane and GHG Compliance

What we do:

MethaneIQ incorporates advanced algorithms that enhance accuracy and minimize errors in estimating methane emission rates. Through this approach, we aim to significantly improve the precision of methane rate estimation and contribute to more reliable and comprehensive emission assessments. Streamline methane reporting, boost accuracy, and model GHG emission propagation. Analyze drone imagery for precise detection and improve leak detection and repair (LDAR) planning. GenAI assistant helps ensure proper regulations compliance with EPA and OGMP guidelines.

What you get:

  1. Automated Reporting: An accelerator that allows clients to automatically capture data from OGI (optical gas imaging) systems and other sources (SCADA) and generate EPA compliant SupartW and ooooa/b reports

  2. Methane Rate Estimation: An accelerator that allows the user to analyze methane image captured by satellites/drones/aircrafts and improve the accuracy of methane rate estimation at the source of the emission, by factoring wind speed and direction.

  3. Computer Vision for Drone Video Processing: This accelerator allows the user to input drone videos; the system will stabilize the drone video stream and automatically extract the methane plume using advanced computer vision algorithms.

  4. Geospatial Analytics: Satelytics is an AWS platform, we implemented an API to interface to Satelytics and extract results related to methane and other geospatial analysis functions. This accelerator provides additional visualization and analytics to augment Satelytics results.

  5. EPA Xplorer: This is a GenAI assistant that is dynamically linked to EPA and OGMP GHG regulations. It helps with regulatory compliance. The system is built using AWS services and AWS Bedrock.

What does this service mean for you?

• Reduce reporting time by more than 50% • Improve accuracy of methane rate estimation by more than 40% • Improve accuracy of methane extraction in drone imagery by more than 35% • Improve propagation modeling and projections accuracy by 100% • Improve geospatial analytics by introducing more than 6 new metrics from satellite data • Using GenAI significantly improves capabilities for regulatory compliance

Process and Timeline:

Time estimates vary depending on the solutions and on the data quality and availability.

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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