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What we do:

· Conduct an exhaustive analysis of the EKS cluster's configuration to spot any potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations

· Carry out a comprehensive vulnerability scan of the EKS cluster's underlying infrastructure and container-based workloads to uncover possible weaknesses, outdated software, or known security vulnerabilities

· Provide guidance on best practices for integration with AWS native services to ensure a secured EKS environment

What you get:

· Fortified infrastructure and protection against potential vulnerabilities by identifying and addressing potential security risks early on

· A proactive approach to avoid costly consequences, such as data breaches and legal liabilities, ensuring long-term cost savings and positive return on investment

· Assurance of adherence to industry-standard security best practices and frameworks like CIS benchmarks to maintain compliance and identify areas where security measures can be enhanced further

· Ability for your developers to build securely on your core infrastructure

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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