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What we do:

· Initiate document upload process via a web application

· Employ a workflow that uses Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, AWS Lambda, Amazon Textract, Amazon SNS, Amazon Comprehend Custom Classifier, Augmented AI (Human in loop), and Amazon Dynamo DB

· Apply a combination of OCR & NLP to dissect text from documents and understand the insights they contain

· Provide Rapid Assessment that evaluates your needs and work process, does a deep data analysis, examines existing infrastructure, brainstorms potential solutions, selects documents for prototyping, and decides on success metrics

· Provide Rapid AI Prototyping in which we design new systems, set up the processing environment, and rigorously evaluate classification accuracy and human involvement needs to facilitate a smooth transition and successful outcomes

What you get:

· Increased efficiency and cost savings through streamlined document processing

· Higher data accuracy due to minimized data entry errors

· Accelerated decision-making as data extraction speeds up underwriting, claims, and loan applications

· Delivery of exceptional customer experience with an omnichannel approach

· Access to true automation that incorporates judgment-based processes

· Flexible pricing based on the specific needs of your organization

Sold by SoftServe
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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